Aeration is an important part of any pond’s ecosystem. Many ponds are troubled with low oxygen levels due to stagnant water, or an overabundance of decomposing matter. Unless managed properly, a pond or lake may quickly change from a beautiful asset, to a foul smelling eyesore, overtaken with algae, weeds, and insects.
In today’s ever-increasing expansion and development, many ponds and lakes have become runoff receptacles, complete with nutrient-rich sediment, aquatic weeds, algae, and a multitude of other problematic concerns.
Aeration is all about gases. Aeration mixes the pond so that toxic gases are efficiently released and life-giving oxygen readily replaces it. An aerated pond will be clearer, cleaner, healthier, and have less bottom muck than a pond without aeration.
A pond without aeration will become stratified into two very separate layers in the summer heat due to the physical properties of water. As the sun warms the surface water, it becomes less dense and thereby lighter than the cool water below it. The line at which these two layers separate (similar to oil floating on water) is called the thermocline.

Surface Aeration vs. Bottom Aeration
Regardless of runoff and debris coming into your waterway, natural processes such as photosynthesis can cause weeds and algae bloom. This process is increased with additional organic and synthetic nutrients, low oxygen levels, warmer water temperatures, and poor circulation.
Both surface and bottom aeration provide:
- Higher levels of oxygen
- Healthy circulated waterways
- Cleaner waters (fewer weeds and less algae)
- Reduction of odor
- Larger healthy fish population
Surface Aeration

A fountain will provide:
A beautiful landscape during the day, as well as night (if lights are added)
Surface disturbance (control duckweed and watermill)
The sound of water moving (Note: Fountains only move water from 6-8 feet from the surface, and they have to be taken out during the winter in colder climates.)
Bottom Aeration

Forced air systems/diffused air systems or bubbles provide:
Lower cost alternative to a fountain
Lower maintenance (left in all season)
Water movement and aeration at the very bottom
Leaves natural look of the waterway
Breaks down and reduces bottom sludge / muck
Aeration of the entire water body
(Note: Bubblers work best in waters greater than 4-5 feet deep.)

FREE Pond Aeration Mapping
Come see our AIRMAX Systems in stock, or contact us TODAY and we will map out the aeration system that best fits your pond - for FREE!