Aquascape DIY Waterfall/Stream Kits

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A Pondless Waterfall is simply a recirculating waterfall or stream without the presence of a pond.

The waterfall works by pumping water contained in a large, in-ground reservoir up and through the Waterfall Spillway, allowing the water to flow back down into the reservoir. This simple recirculation system requires very little maintenance and is ideal for families with young children or pets that love to play in water.

These easy-to-install pondless waterfall kits come with everything you need to get started, including step-by-step instructions, a waterfall spillway, pond pump, and more.

Build your pondless water feature on your own in just hours, and enjoy the soothing outdoor experience at home for many years to come.


Waterfall Landscape 83013 2' | 7.5' x 7.5' 48" x 54" x 10" AquaBasin 45 22" AquaSurge 2000 50SF: $20 Add to kit for $159.98 included $1,499.98 Add to kit for $129.98
Waterfall Kit 83001 3' | 10' x 12' 32" x 54" x 10" (1) Vault, (2) Sm. AquaBloxs 22" EcoWave 2000 100SF 40SF: $16 Add to kit for $159.98 included $1,499.98 Add to kit for $129.98
Pro Small Pondless 53038 4'-5' | 8' x 10' 48" x 54" x 10" (1) Vault, (3) Sm. AquaBloxs 10' x 10' 22" AquaSurge 2000-4000 included 100SF 180SF: $72 Add to kit for $159.98 included included $2,421.51 Add to kit for $129.98
Pro Medium Pondless 53039 10'-14' | 10' x 20' 32" x 81" x 18" | 48" x 54" x 18" (1) Vault, (5) Sm. AquaBloxs 10' x 12' 22" AquaSurge 2000-4000 included 120SF 320SF: $128 White included included included $3,254.98
Pro Medium Pondless 53040 10'-14' | 10' x 20' 32" x 81" x 18" | 48" x 54" x 18" (1) Vault, (5) Sm. AquaBloxs 10' x 12' 22" 3-PL 3000 included 120SF 320SF: $128 White included included included $3,178.98
Pro Medium Pondless 53064 10'-14' | 10' x 20' 32" x 81" x 18" | 48" x 54" x 18" (1) Vault, (5) Sm. AquaBloxs 10' x 12' 22" SLD 4000-7000 included 120SF 320SF: $128 White included included included $3,321.48
Deluxe Medium Pondless 53068 16' | 10' x 20' 32" x 81" x 10" | 48" x 54" x 10" (1) Vault, (5) Sm. AquaBloxs 10' x 12' 22" AquaSurge 2000-4000 included included 120SF 320SF: $128 Color-Changing included included included $3,697.64 Add to kit for $129.98
Pro Large Pondless 53041 18'-24' | 10' x 30' 32" x 81" x 10" | 48" x 54" x 18 " (1) Vault, (1) Vault Ext., (5) Lg. AquaBloxs 10' x 15' 22" AquaSurge 4000-8000 included 120SF 540SF: $216 White included included included $4,217.11 Add to kit for $129.98
Pro Large Pondless 53042 18'-24' | 10' x 30' 32" x 81" x 10" | 48" x 54" x 18 " (1) Vault, (1) Vault Ext., (5) Lg. AquaBloxs 10' x 15' 22" 9 PL 7000 included 120SF 540SF: $216 White included included $4,207.61 Add to kit for $129.98
Pro Large Pondless 53065 18'-24' | 10' x 30' 32" x 81" x 10" | 8" x 54" x 18 " (1) Vault, (1) Vault Ext., (5) Lg. AquaBloxs 10' x 15' 22" SLD 5000-90000 included 120SF 540SF: $216 White included included included $4,312.11 Add to kit for $129.98
Deluxe Large Pondless 53069 26' | 18'-24' | 10' x 30' 32" x 81" x 10" | 48" x 54" x 18" (1) Vault, (1) Vault Ext., (5) Lg. AquaBloxs 12' x 15' 22" AquaSurge 4000-8000 included included 180SF 540SF: $216 Color-Changing included included included $4,726.27 Add to kit for $129.98

All DIY kits include an installation kit (black silicone, EPDM 6" patch, pond & waterfall foam Sealant & PVC glue/cement.

*Finish sizes may vary based on shape and rock size.

**As a precaution, GSK recommends extra underlayment. Adding a layer of underlayment between the blocks and line offers your waterfall extra protection from leaks, especially with the sharp edges from the AquaBlox.


NOTE: Prices may vary at time of purchase.


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